Enslaved By a Hero [Sold! 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Read online

Page 6

  “He is happy to please me.” Dathar rocked his hips, forcing his cock into and out of the slave’s mouth. Rather than look cross, the sword bearer seemed pleased to have his master willingly working his mouth. It was very strange to Sevaleth. He was only on the outside looking in, but it seemed to him Dathar was being harsh with the slave. But the slave seemed to like this treatment.

  “He doesn’t seem to care that I am here,” Sevaleth pointed out.

  “He doesn’t.” Dathar grinned. “We do this in the hero’s hall, so it is not so odd to show only one hero rather than all.”

  That made sense to Sevaleth. “Send him away.”

  “But I’m enjoying this.”

  “He can come back after we have talked.” Sevaleth did not want anyone knowing his business, especially not a slave. He knew Dathar’s sword bearer talked to the other slaves. Gossiping was one thing Sevaleth had always believed the slaves in the palace were fond of. Jodi had proven this by wanting to protect two of them. Slaves bonded over sharing information. What he wished to discuss with Dathar was something Sevaleth did not want known. Dathar wouldn’t tell because he would have no reason to. Heroes didn’t gossip about one another when they were always more interested in telling tales of their own heroic actions.

  “Very well.” Dathar tapped the slave and pointed.

  After a disappointed pout, he left.

  “I wish to know how you made him like you.” Sevaleth looked the direction the slave had gone and then back to Dathar.

  “I didn’t make him.” Dathar sounded insulted. “He came to me willingly.”

  “That is what I wish to know.”

  Dathar peered up at Sevaleth then frowned.

  “I know this sounds confusing, but I wish for you to explain how you made him willing.” Sevaleth felt he was making a mess of things, but he was unable to simply ask. Frustrated, he opened his mouth to try another way but gave up and remained silent.

  “I think I understand.” Dathar sat up then moved over to the edge of the bed so he was sitting next to Sevaleth. “There is a slave you like.”

  “Yes.” Sevaleth saw no reason to point out he’d inadvertently freed the man he should have kept.


  Sevaleth nodded that he was interested in a male.

  “He is untouched.”

  “Yes. I do not want to hurt him.”

  “You don’t need to.” Dathar’s grin was positively wicked. He was not as marked by war as Sevaleth, which made him very handsome. Dathar’s sword bearer wasn’t the only man to be taken with the proud hero. If Dathar allowed it, there would undoubtedly be a line of slaves and citizens who would like to share his bed. Even if they only got to have him once, they would take that and be happy. Sevaleth didn’t have that kind of allure. “What you need to do, my dear Sevaleth, is make him come to you.”

  “Tell me how to do that.” Sevaleth thought he’d been on a good path with letting Jodi lead things today, but if he never took charge, then Jodi might think he was less of a man.

  “Tease him.” Dathar made a face of pure lust.

  “I should treat him the way the older heroes do the younger heroes.” Sevaleth didn’t think Jodi would like to be harassed like that. “Picking on him will not make him do to me what your slave was doing to you.”

  “No. Not that kind of teasing.” Dathar leaned in a little closer, giving Sevaleth a good breath of him. He smelled like food and sex. “When you kiss him, toy with his ass. Just touching lightly. Soon, he’ll be wild for you. But you don’t go further than that for a long while.”

  “Ah. Teasing.” Sevaleth had taken note of how much Jodi liked to be caressed behind his balls. If he continued back a little farther each time, it wouldn’t be as shocking as if he just went right for his objective.

  “Think of his hole as a target. As soldiers, we’re trained to go right for that spot and let nothing get in our way, but that does not work on a living thing. That would frighten him. Especially if he’s smaller than you.”

  Sevaleth nodded. “He is about half the size of me.”

  “Each time you go a little farther, but let him be your guide.”


  “He’ll make these noises.” Dathar uttered a high whimper that was surprisingly similar to the sound Jodi had made when Sevaleth rubbed that secret spot on him. “Those noises are the clue that he wants more.”


  “Yes. Go from teasing touches to rubbing then to sliding in one finger. Allow him to work that finger as if it were your cock. Don’t do anything but that until he’s making tormented noises of needing even more. Then give him two fingers. Do the same until he’s frantic for three.”

  “Three.” Sevaleth looked down at his three fingers and realized they were a fair approximation of the girth of his cock.

  “Once he can take three, he’ll be able to take you.” Dathar looked the direction his slave had gone and then back at Sevaleth. “But you don’t give him your cock.”

  “But that is the objective!” Sevaleth was frustrated anew.

  “You don’t give it to him. He willingly climbs on you.”

  “Oh.” Sevaleth understood. “Make him willing by letting everything be his idea.”

  “You are a quick learner. I will show you one other thing.” Dathar stood, oiled up his hands, and then called out for his slave. “Sword bearer, come.”

  The slave came over to Dathar not just willingly but eagerly. Dathar wrapped one hand around the servant’s cock and slid the other between his buttocks. “This is a good way to make him willing.”

  Sevaleth watched as Dathar rocked the slave between his powerful hands. Just like Jodi did with touches and breathing, Dathar altered the rhythm, making his slave utter a noise that was extremely clear about how much he enjoyed what was being done to him. The more enjoyment sounds he made, the more Dathar gave him in terms of penetration.

  “Beg for my cock.”

  The slave proceeded to gush about how great was his master and how pleased he would be to take his cock. Each word was breathless and passionate. Clearly, it wasn’t an act he was putting on for either his master or Sevaleth. The slave wanted Dathar’s cock with a desperation that inspired Sevaleth. He would be most pleased to have Jodi murmur even one of those things. To have Jodi begging with eyes and lips would be the greatest victory Sevaleth could ever have.

  Rather than watch to the end, Sevaleth left them when they fell to kissing. He was extremely aroused, but not in a hurry to have relief. Now he knew much better how to please Jodi enough to make him want to stay. The only question was if Sevaleth would have enough fortitude to follow Dathar’s suggestions. He’d waged war all over the universe but wasn’t certain he could contain his lust. Jodi excited him when Sevaleth had never been excited that way before. He had to hold himself back no matter how difficult he found doing so.

  “But I will. I have to.” Because Sevaleth wanted Jodi to be happy and stay with him.

  When he returned to his rooms, Jodi was in the pool, floating on his back. Raptor was in the bed, seemingly taking up the entire thing despite his actual small size. For a moment, Sevaleth allowed himself to imagine this was what his future would be like. He enjoyed that thought immensely. For the first time since he’d permanently returned to Girakor, he was actually hopeful. He’d thought the idea of living in the palace near the hero’s hall would grow tedious, but he could be quite happy to have a simple life if he had Jodi to share it with him.

  Jodi saw him and beckoned to him with his hand.

  For a moment, Sevaleth was shocked. Jodi looked happy to see him. He was glad as evidenced by his smile. But what really surprised him was his immediate need to have Sevaleth be closer to him. A part of Sevaleth thought it was only an act, but much like Dathar’s sword bearer, there was a ring of truth to his attitude. Sevaleth hadn’t ordered him to do anything, so why would he be so welcoming unless he actually felt glad?

  The answer came rather quietl
y. By being honest, that he wanted to look at Jodi and learn what he enjoyed, he’d managed to please him. This in turn made Sevaleth happy. All he had to do was continue to let Jodi lead while teasing him gently.

  Sevaleth tore off his loincloth and entered the water. Without saying a word, he scooped Jodi into his arms and kissed him. He discovered the taste of fruit on his lips, so he deepened the kiss, exploring the way the sweetness meshed with his own flavor.

  “Wow.” Jodi wrapped his arms around Sevaleth’s shoulders. “I like the way you say hello.”

  “I like being with you.”

  “I can tell.” Jodi wiggled until their cocks—both hard—were pressed close. “I like being with you, too.”

  Sevaleth was so happy he almost ground their bodies together but reminded himself not to at the last moment.

  “What time do we have to be at the hall?”

  Sevaleth understood the concept of time, but here he did not have to bother with the details. “When we wish to go.”

  “So if I wanted to stay home with you, we could?” Jodi’s stunning sea-green eyes were open wide and filled with hope.

  Sevaleth could barely contain his joy. Already Jodi was more willing, and he was indeed begging Sevaleth with his eyes. But he’d learned well from Dathar’s teachings. He wanted to tease Jodi and not go right for the target. To that end, even though he wanted to stay home, he gently shook his head. “We should go to congratulate those who are returning.”

  And then, Jodi pouted, almost exactly like Dathar’s slave. Sevaleth thought this was an excellent sign. “Okay. But then we get to come right back here.”

  Sevaleth nodded and kept his face free of the joy that was filling up his entire body. He didn’t want to be too eager or too reluctant. Teasing would be difficult but no more so than waging war. He could conquer one tiny Earthling. Of that, he was certain.

  After much kissing and touching, they washed up and then dressed for the hall.

  “I thought you were bringing me something to wear?” Jodi looked around.

  In his haste to get back to Jodi, Sevaleth had forgotten all about his excuse for leaving. “I had to have the garment sized.” Sevaleth went to his houseboy and had him hurriedly fashion something for Jodi to wear. When he handed him a towel, Sevaleth frowned. It was not right at all. But then again, it would have to do. He gave it to Jodi and explained that he would have to have clothing custom made. “This is all I was able to find.”

  “I don’t mind. It’s better than having my junk on display all the time.”

  It took a moment for the word to translate but even longer for Sevaleth to understand that junk was slang for cock and balls. He found an odd similarity between his world’s words and Jodi’s. Sevaleth found he almost intuitively understood Jodi without needing the translator to make things clear.

  “I don’t mind being bare.”

  “Well, you look good naked,” Jodi said. “Me not so much.”

  “I like you naked.”

  Jodi grinned but put the towel on anyway.

  Sevaleth never thought too much about what he was wearing since he usually had his battle gear on. Being naked was one of the privileges of being back and living near the hero’s hall. Still, he didn’t mind having Jodi covered up because that meant he got to uncover him later. That was a pleasing notion. Oddly, though, he wanted him dressed for another reason. Just as he didn’t want anyone else learning the secret spots on Jodi, he didn’t want anyone else looking at his naked form. Looking could lead to wanting, and Sevaleth had enough to deal with keeping Jodi for himself. He didn’t need to have someone trying to take him away.

  Sevaleth would never do what Dathar had done. He wouldn’t want anyone watching him and Jodi pleasing one another. That seemed very private to him. Heroes often fornicated in the hall. That was one of the main reasons they went there. But Sevaleth had watched without participating. He hadn’t known why. Now he did. He wasn’t like the other heroes in that regard. To him, sex wasn’t a sport. It wasn’t a public event but something personal.

  He stood there, watching Jodi fiddle with the towel, and wanted to change his mind. But not going might draw more attention to him and his new companion. Heroes were tricky men in that they often wanted what another had just because he had something they didn’t. Sevaleth had admired Dathar and his servant, but he hadn’t even considered stealing the slave for his own. He didn’t want that man. He wanted what they had. Sevaleth wanted intimacy and pleasure like that with one man. And after a very long time of being alone he’d found the perfect companion.

  What if someone in the hall wanted Jodi?

  Every muscle Sevaleth had tightened.

  “I’m ready.” Jodi’s smile was so beautiful that Sevaleth felt compelled to reach out to him and pull him close. Not aggressively, but gently. “What’s wrong?”

  A hundred things filled Sevaleth’s head all at once. There were so many things that might go badly but nothing had yet. He was seeing trouble where there was none. Deliberately, he shook his head, released Jodi from his embrace. He took his hand then led him from his rooms to the hall. If nothing else, Sevaleth was strong enough that he could protect Jodi from the other heroes.

  Chapter 7

  Jodi hadn’t really thought what a party in the hero’s hall would be like, but he was pretty sure these guys put frat boys everywhere to shame. They drank so much grog the hall reeked of the stuff, and they couldn’t seem to keep their loincloths, which were really small to begin with, on for longer than two seconds. Jodi had never seen so many cocks in his life, and that included his brief foray into Internet porn. Sure, he was curious, but he found the images awkward and uncomfortable. The party in the hall made him feel the same way. Sex wasn’t sexy when it was drunken, unwelcomed, or just plain unattractive. Nothing said ew louder than a stumbling oaf trying to stick his semi-stiffy in the backside of a slave who was still dressed.

  What scared him was that so many of the slaves didn’t seem to be willing. It was as if someone had reached down into his psyche and pulled up his greatest fear. The only saving grace was that his two friends weren’t in attendance, but that left Jodi with the unsettling desire to help those who were there. He knew he’d probably get killed for saying anything, but he also thought a part of his soul would die if he didn’t at least try to come to the aid of his fellow men. Or aliens. It didn’t seem to matter to Jodi that they weren’t Earthlings. His sense of right and wrong seemed to have nothing to do with their planet of origin. No meant no regardless of who was saying it.

  Desperate, Jodi tried to explain his concern to Sevaleth, but he wasn’t much help despite his obvious concern.

  “I cannot tell another hero how to be.” Sevaleth stayed in his big chair, but his gaze never lingered for long. He was watching, but Jodi wasn’t certain what he was looking for. “Some heroes treat others very well.” He pointed to Dathar, giving Jodi his name, and for a moment he watched as Dathar and his sword bearer interacted. Dathar was clearly interested and protective of his slave. “Others do not treat anyone well, not even themselves.”

  Sevaleth didn’t have to point out this type of hero. They weren’t the most common, but they were the loudest, so they drew the most attention. When Jodi really looked, he realized the bulk of the heroes seemed to have found someone to talk or touch and settled in. It was only a handful who seemed to be out of control.

  Jodi had discovered one very powerful trick. Instead of openly criticizing the horny heroes, Jodi just distracted them with a riddle, something shiny, or a drink, and then urged the slave they were molesting to go elsewhere. This worked wonderfully well since most of the Girakors were very drunk. Some were too drunk to even fuck, which was even better in Jodi’s opinion. With a limp dick they couldn’t do much of anything other than eat and drink, so Jodi ensured they had plenty of both to keep them occupied.

  What actually astonished him was their drunkenness had happened very fast. He and Sevaleth had barely arrived at the hall and ta
ken residence in what Sevaleth called his cell when the party got out of hand. Sevaleth said that some of the men had undoubtedly been here drinking for most of the day. It was what the active warriors did when they were not on a campaign. Retired heroes, like Sevaleth and Dathar, came by at night to make a bit of merry, but they generally didn’t stay long. Jodi could understand why. The only person who could enjoy the goings-on would be someone who was equally as drunk.

  “Celebration is good, but it is a younger hero’s game.” Sevaleth nodded to Dathar. “He stays less and less. Sometimes he and I go to another place and talk.”

  “That’s sounds like a lot more fun than this.” Jodi watched Dathar, who like Sevaleth participated only minimally. The one thing Dathar did that Sevaleth did not was keep his slave on his lap. Sevaleth actually made room so Jodi could sit beside him, but Dathar liked his slave close. While Jodi watched, Dathar and his servant kissed and touched. It was clear they were getting very worked up. It seemed to Jodi that they were able to shut out the rest of the world. He admired them. In short order, the slave was bouncing up and down on Dathar’s lap. Jodi swallowed hard. He wasn’t that close, but he could still see the thick pole of Dathar’s cock sliding almost effortlessly into the much smaller man.

  Jodi almost looked around to see if Sevaleth was watching, but he couldn’t look away himself. What interested him beyond the sheer mechanics of the act was that the slave didn’t seem to be in any pain. Not from the smile on his face. He was willingly riding his master. For a moment, Jodi imagined himself doing that with Sevaleth. He shivered. Not from fear but anticipation. Could he do that? Not right away, but maybe after some time. How would it feel to have Sevaleth’s big hands helping him to ride up and down and—

  “Dathar likes to be seen.”