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Enslaved by a King [Sold! 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 7
Enslaved by a King [Sold! 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Read online
Page 7
“Let’s try something first.” Noah retrieved the bottle and lubed up his fingers. Gently, he eased his hand back and pressed his index finger against Mingor’s tight hole.
“We’ve done this.” Mingor almost seemed to pout, which didn’t suit his regal face at all.
“Not like this.” Noah eased his finger inside, watching as Mingor’s frown turned upside down into a very pleased smile. “See? You should listen to the wise, young Earthling.”
“I should.” Mingor closed his eyes and allowed his head to go back.
Working together, with Noah pumping lightly and Mingor rocking slowly, Noah slipped another finger in beside the first. When he got Mingor accustomed to three, he thought he was ready to try again. In his eagerness, Mingor settled down a little too fast and took the entire knob of Noah’s cock inside his still-very snug channel. His eyes went wide.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes.” After a moment it became clear he was more surprised than injured. “I just didn’t expect you to feel this good.”
Noah held gently to Mingor’s hips as he formed a small circle that led him down along Noah’s shaft. Each incremental bit he went deeper caused his fingers to grip a little tighter and his breath to strain a bit more. Eventually, Mingor was seated against Noah’s hips. He held perfectly still for a moment, seeming to enjoy his position. When he looked down at Noah, he smiled.
“You look very happy.” It was a strange thing to say at the moment, but it tumbled out of Noah’s mouth before he could stop it.
“I am.” Mingor reached out and brushed his slick fingers over Noah’s nipple, which caused a corresponding twitch in his prick. It was clear Mingor felt Noah’s reaction when he continued to tease his nipples and squirmed. “Now you will show me another way.”
Noah was dumbfounded until Mingor rose up and off of him. The loss of his body heat was a shock. When Mingor lay out on his back, Noah rolled over, gently parted his legs, and then spent a solid quarter of an hour kissing him.
“You wish to make me frantic?”
“I like to tease.” Noah balanced his weight so he could reach up and cup Mingor’s chin. “I like the look of anticipation on your face.”
“You can see me in all this darkness?”
“I see you perfectly well.” Noah kissed him again, and again, marveling in the fact that his taste was literally sweet. “I think I’ve become addicted to you very quickly.”
“This is a bad thing?” Mingor realized that if he lifted his legs, he could wrap them around Noah’s hips and then pull him down.
“Not at all.” Noah held steady above Mingor. When Mingor tried to make Noah enter him by clenching up with his legs, Noah laughed lightly. “You’re not that strong.”
“I find I am quite frustrated.”
“You talk as if that’s something new for you.”
“It is.” Mingor rose up and delicately licked along the edge of Noah’s ear, weakening his resolve.
Noah remembered that Mingor’s people worshiped him, which probably meant he was showered with whatever he wanted. It was unlikely his needs were delayed longer than a few moments. Of course, realizing this only made Noah want to tease him more.
“You are enjoying having me at your mercy.”
“I am.” Noah held steady while he caressed Mingor’s hair. The strands were thick, heavy, and perfectly straight. “You really are beautiful.”
“I think the same of you.” Mingor lifted both his hands and cradled Noah’s face. He looked directly into his eyes and held steady.
Slowly, Noah slid his cock back into the tight heat of Mingor’s body. As he penetrated him, he held his gaze. Not once had he ever experienced such intimacy. Sex had always been fun and pleasurable for both him and his partner, but this was different. Noah didn’t know what it was, exactly, but it felt as if he were far more connected to Mingor. There was nothing standing between them in this very tiny moment. Noah was closer with Mingor than he’d ever been with anyone.
“You look concerned.” Mingor frowned.
“I’m not sure what I am.” Noah kissed him gently as he lowered his upper body down until he was completely pressed against Mingor without crushing him. He felt a need to be as physically close to him as he could. “All I know is this isn’t like anything I’ve ever felt.”
“Is this upsetting?”
“No.” Noah shook his head gently. “It’s good. So good it’s a little scary.”
Mingor claimed Noah’s mouth with his own, tightening his grip with both his arms and legs. His passion encouraged Noah to increase his pace. The more diligently he tried to go slow, the more Mingor encouraged him to go faster. Once Mingor realized he had some control over Noah by working his body against Noah’s, he lost his smooth, steady rhythm. Faster and harder he went until he couldn’t resist any longer.
“Hold tight. Hold tight to me.”
Mingor clung fiercely to Noah as he flicked his hips, drilling his prick deep. Just when he thought he couldn’t get any deeper, he felt Mingor roll his hips, giving up just a bit more. His surrender to him pushed him over the edge. Noah came so hard he curled over Mingor and would have crushed him but for locking his arms. As the orgasm shook him from the top of his head to the tips of his toes, he stopped breathing just to hold on. Below him, Mingor made that amazing sound again and spilled between their bellies, making Noah’s bliss even better.
Tumbling slowly back to reality, Noah blinked as he tried to lift up from Mingor, but he was still gripping tightly to him.
“Don’t move away.”
“I won’t.” Noah stayed right where he was. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d been so enmeshed with another. It had been the most intense release he’d ever had.
Mingor kissed Noah’s neck then worked his way up until they were locking lips. It ranged from sweet to savage then subsided into gentle nips.
“I had never realized it would be like this.” Mingor’s eyes were dazed and dreamy.
“There are no words to express how I feel.”
Noah nodded while his ego did a little victory dance in his head.
“I thought my instructor was being dramatic about the binding properties of sex. I see she was not.”
“I don’t want to let go of you. I feel as if in some way I have always known you or will always know you. It is as if we are now bound tightly together in some way that doesn’t require actual tethers.” Mingor had just put into words exactly what Noah felt. “But you are shaking.”
“I’m getting tired from holding myself up. Hold on.” Noah carefully lowered himself and then rolled over so that Mingor was on top of him. “Ah, yeah. That’s the way.”
“I am not too heavy for you?”
“Hell no. You’re perfect. Absolutely, totally, and completely perfect.”
“I am a god after all.”
“Yeah.” Noah chuckled. “So does a god like you have to have some kind of ceremony when he picks a sephir?”
“I do not know what you are asking me.”
“On Earth, when a couple wants to be all official about their relationship, they get married.” Noah had never thought that would happen for him, and not just because in most states same-sex couples couldn’t wed, but he just never imagined he’d want to make such a huge commitment to someone else. However, Mingor was different. Noah had already sworn to stay with him for life, so marrying him wasn’t that scary. “They have a ceremony to mark the occasion.”
Mingor turned his head, resting his cheek against Noah’s chest. After a long quiet time he said, “There is a ceremony of sorts.”
“Yeah? What’s it like?”
“I would not ask it of you.”
The tone of his voice alerted Noah to the fact there was indeed something expected of him if he were to officially become Mingor’s sephir. As much as he wanted to know, he also didn’t. Already he knew that Mingor didn’t lie, but he had a disturbing hab
it of leaving out pertinent details. But as he lay there, holding Mingor and tracing circles on his back, he found curiosity was just about driving him mad. If he didn’t ask, he would never sleep.
“What does this ceremony entail?”
“I said I would not ask it of you.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
Mingor remained silent.
“Will I be considered your sephir if I don’t perform this ceremony?”
“I do not care what my advisors think.” Mingor lifted his head and peered at Noah. “I have chosen you, and I think you are worthy. That is all that matters to me.”
“Just what the hell is this thing?”
Mingor frowned, clearly reluctant to answer, but after a moment he softly said, “It is a trial by fire.”
“You mean figuratively, right?”
“No. You are quite literally set on fire.”
Chapter 8
After the spectacular bonding they’d shared, the last thing Mingor wished to do was allow anything to destroy the peaceful feeling he had. Lately, his calm had been sorely tested. He realized, though, that by choosing a sephir who was not only the same sex as himself but also of a different race than himself practically guaranteed he would not have any peace when he returned to Thand.
“Again, it is not something I would ask of you.” Mingor was determined to keep Noah’s prick within his body for as long as he could, but the shock of his announcement about the trial of fire tensed Noah, withdrawing his cock.
“But it’s expected.”
“Not by me.” Mingor’s actions before he’d left enraged his advisors. He had no doubt they would insist on Noah proving himself worthy, but Mingor had no interest in a barbaric ritual that proved nothing other than his own powers.
“Why in the hell would they want to set me on fire?”
“To show your faith in me as the water bearer.” Now that their bodies had separated, Mingor felt their souls were further apart, too. He longed to recapture the tight bond, but realized it would be overwhelming to feel it all the time. Perhaps it was best to only happen in smaller doses when they were physically intimate. “It is a way to impress upon the populace that I am powerful.”
“So they set me on fire and you put me out?”
“Yes.” Mingor thought about sliding off Noah, but Noah wrapped his arms tightly around him, making it clear he didn’t want him going anywhere.
“Are you cold?”
“No.” Mingor turned his head to the side.
“Please tell me what’s wrong.”
Mingor didn’t want to. All his life he’d kept things to himself. It didn’t take many times to learn that others weren’t genuinely interested in what he honestly felt or thought about matters. But that was his own advisors. It was different with Noah. He asked not so he could formulate some plan against what Mingor might do. Noah asked because he wanted Mingor to share. Noah wouldn’t judge. He would support Mingor.
“I don’t want to go home.” Mingor had struggled valiantly to ignore the feeling, but he couldn’t change something that ran so deep.
“I do not like my advisors.”
“Are they abusive to you?” Noah’s voice was so soft it was as welcoming as warm water after an arduous day.
“They try to manipulate me to do what will serve them best.” Mingor lifted his head and looked at Noah. “They are more interested in their own selfish needs rather than in what is best for me or the people who worship me.” Mingor felt his soul shattering like ice dropped from a great height. “My advisors think of the worshipers as fools. Fools.” He shook his head. “They mock them. How horrible that they spend their time encouraging them to worship me as a god when they know I am not and then mock them for their reverent beliefs.”
Noah reached up and gently touched Mingor’s cheek. “What can I do?”
“Nothing.” Mingor cupped his hand and kissed his thumb. “I knew you would wish to assist me, but there is nothing to be done.”
“Can’t you fire your advisors?”
“How would setting fire to them help?”
“No.” Noah laughed, but lightly, and not with mocking intent. “On Earth, when an employee isn’t working out—not performing well, coming in late, being a slacker—he’s fired. It means he no longer has a job.”
“I cannot release them from service when they are born into the role.”
“They are born to be your advisors?”
“It is a station passed down through a family line.”
“From father to son?”
“From parents to child.” Mingor considered Noah for a moment. “Is your culture very male centered?”
“Yeah. I think they call it patriarchal. Everything runs from man to man rather than woman to woman. But there are some cultures on Earth that are matriarchal. Just not as many. Yours isn’t like that?”
“The sex doesn’t matter. The parents do.”
“Then why don’t you have a predestined sephir?”
“I did. She died.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I did not know her well, so I did not feel tremendous pain when she passed.”
“How old were you?”
It took a moment for them to translate each other’s time increments, but eventually Mingor explained he was a young boy of two hundred nineteen passes of the moon, which was about six years in Noah’s terms.
“You already had a destined mate at six?”
“She was chosen for me when she was born. She was the daughter of the eldest advisor.” Aido’s harsh face flashed in Mingor’s mind. “I was aggrieved because the loss of a life is always sad, but there was no emotional attachment to her.”
“She was destined but you never spoke with her?”
“She died when she was still a babe. But she would have been sheltered from me until such time as she was deemed of age.”
“And then?”
“I would have spoken to her only after the trial by fire.”
“Holy fucking shit! Let me get this straight. They would have taken some lovely purple lady, set her on fire, then what, expected you to put her out?”
“That is the way of things.”
“It’s fucked up.”
It took a moment for the phrase to translate but Mingor had to agree with the sentiment. “It is indeed.”
“Has a sephir candidate ever died during the ceremony?”
“I am not going to subject you to that.”
“I didn’t say you would, but I’m curious.” Noah kissed Mingor’s forehead. “You’ll find it’s a twisted facet of humans. We can be a morbid bunch.”
“You sometimes talk about yourself in such a curious way.”
“I am a curious man.”
“That you are.” Mingor kissed his chin then moved up to his lips. “But I find your strangeness meshes well with mine.”
Noah laughed with genuine delight. “I think it was Dr. Seuss who said everyone is a little weird so if we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”
“Love?” The word on Thand was different, but the idea was the same. “My kind loves, too.”
There was silence between them, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, it was sweetly reflective. Mingor didn’t know Noah well enough to love him, but what he knew so far made him know that his feelings would only intensify. Noah was kind, considerate, gentle, and almost painfully generous. Mingor knew if he asked Noah to perform the trial of fire, he would, and he would trust Mingor completely. But Mingor didn’t need such a show of faith. He didn’t think his advisors did either. They only demanded the ritual be performed when they did not like who the water bearer had chosen as a sephir. However, they were not so open about it as that. They would never admit that was the truth, but Mingor knew that was the way of it. Aido’s daughter would have had to undergo the ceremony, but since she passed, Mingor was free to choose his companion.
By tradition, he could pick anyone, even a soul his advisors didn’t approve of. The way they wielded power over Mingor’s choice was by demanding the ritual be performed. That scared most would-be sephirs away.
“Tell me more about this Dr. Seuss.” Mingor reached down to pull the coverings over them as Noah told him about the man who told tall tales while rhyming his words. Mingor found the very idea charming. He fell asleep listening to the gentle cadence of Noah’s voice.
Mingor woke to the same sweet sound.
“Wake up, sleepy.” Noah kissed the top of Mingor’s head. He was on his side, facing away from Noah. “I want to fool around.”
“I do not know what that means.”
When Noah’s cock pressed against Mingor’s buttock, he realized exactly what Noah meant. Mingor smiled. He hadn’t woken up so happy in a long time, and it felt wonderful. Before he could roll over, Noah was sliding his cock in the split made by Mingor’s buttocks. It was a lazy exploration.
“Do you always wake up like this?” Mingor found the bottle of lube and passed it back to Noah.
“Usually, but I’m also alone when I wake up.” Noah leaned away and then he came close, placing his mouth against Mingor’s ear. “I have to say it’s a lot more fun to wake up with a stiffy when I’m with you.”
Mingor didn’t need his translator to understand the meaning of the word stiffy. It was obvious by the way Noah spoke and moved that he was talking about his erect cock. The sound of the word and Noah’s playful mood lightened his heart.
Gently, Noah angled Mingor’s hips back and slid his slick cock deep inside. He was tender but not in pain. More than anything, he welcomed the closeness. Noah wrapped his arms around Mingor and pulled him tight to his body while he kissed his neck, ear, and shoulder. It was similar to last night but different, too. Sweeter, perhaps. And more languid. There was no rush to find the peak of pleasure but rather a determination to keep them on a high plateau for a long time. When Noah’s hand wrapped around Mingor’s cock, Mingor sighed, closed his eyes, and felt himself floating away.
“Are you still with me?” Noah asked softly.